As part of our green electrical contracting services, Arc Blue Electric, recently completed a lighting upgrade for a commercial office and warehouse on Wall Ave, in Ogden, Utah. All the lights in the building were fluorescent T-12’s and the exterior lights were metal-halide. Arc Blue Electric worked closely with Rocky Mountain Power’s Energy Efficiency department[…]

Electrical Home Automation

Technology is making it easier and easier to deal with things that were once cumbersome to manage. Rather than having a separate device for each of these, they can now all be controlled from one convenient source such as an iPad or even some tablets. Learn which electric components in your home can be controlled[…]

How Solar Panels Work

There are many different things that can be powered by solar energy. Everything from small calculators to entire homes can be powered with energy from the sun. The way solar cells function may seem like a mystery, but when broken down, the process if fairly easy to understand. The history The idea of using solar[…]