Landscape Lighting Design

Now that it’s hot outside, you’re probably starting to enjoy your patio and back yard more and more. And perhaps that has you thinking you could really use some outdoor lighting. Before you run off to Lowe’s for those “stick-in-the-ground” battery operated or solar powered lights, here’s a couple things to think about when planning your landscape lighting.

You want a theme. Don’t just measure out three feet, light, three feet, light and create a dotted line from the driveway to the front door, or the back door to the yard. Doing so will only create a “runway.”

Take a look at your property during the day and evaluate what areas you would like to illuminate as focal points – trees, boundaries, character items, and any safety lighting needs. Most times, you can illuminate your focal points in such a way that the reflected, or spill-off lighting will also identify walkways and paths, removing the need for that safety “runway” lighting.

Incorporate your home. Just lighting plants or pathways can create a high contrast between dark and lit spaces. Adding lighting to architectural elements can help to create an overall light scheme that is balanced and not jarring to the senses.

Consider lighting wall bases, trim work and entry ways.

Hire a professional. A professional lighting designer and electrical installer will be able to identify which surfaces reflect, absorb or transmit light – and which lighting levels are necessary at specific focal points. A knowledgeable installer will ensure that your lights are strategically placed, and made of reliable materials, so they are not damaged or destroyed by physical damage (lawn mowers) or corrosion from irrigation.

Call us today for a quote on your landscape lighting!