July 21, 2010


Salt Lake City Residential Wiring

Electrical Solutions in Ogden and Salt Lake


Arc Blue Electric has extensive experience working on residential projects throughout Northern Utah, including custom residential homes in Park City, high-end residential estates in Ogden Valley, and historic homes in the Avenues and Sugarhouse areas of Salt Lake City. We believe that each residential project is unique, and we focus on working with our residential contractors and customers to provide them with high quality electrical wiring at a reasonable price. We tailor our electrical services to meet the needs of today’s homeowner. We believe the quality of our work will significantly reduce the need for long-term maintenance, troubleshooting, and retrofit costs.

The electrical work in your home is an essential convenience for today’s lifestyle. But, electricity is a very powerful element – if not taken seriously and handled with the utmost care, serious damage or injury may be the result. Protect your home and family by ensuring that your home’s electrical wiring is done correctly. We stand by our conviction to install safe and functional residential electrical with a one-year warranty on all of our work.